Saturday, April 30, 2011

1.07 -- Lovers

Ah, love. Nothing quite said being in the throes of love like watching the sixteen-year-old object of your two-plus-centuries-old affection sleep. Or, something.

Eve: What are you doing here?

Will: Your father asked me to look after you.

Eve: I don’t think he wanted you to do it in my bed.

Will: He will be pleased to know it’s the only thing I’ve done to you in your bed.

Eve: So far.

Will: Thinking of reconsidering that whole “I don’t do dead guys,” thing?

Eve: I don’t know. Ask me again after school.

Will: School?

Eve: In case you’ve forgotten, your girlfriend goes to high school.

Will: How very star-crossed of us. Are you sure it’s safe? I mean, with my psycho ex-wife in town…

Eve: I would like nothing more than to stay here, snuggling with my undead honey. Alas, the truancy officers would probably frown on that, so it’s school-ahoy for me. And, in case you’re wondering, I will be at school late today. I’ve gone kind of lax on the newspaper duties.

Will: I will hang out here, then. I think Cecily’s starting to like me.

Eve: I think she’s still in shock from the whole vampires are real thing. Let her find you in my room and see how Team Will she is.

Will: Hmm, can I at least watch you shower?

Eve: It’s creepy enough you watch me while I sleep.

Will: If I’d known I would have to pick, I would’ve chosen to watch you naked. You’re much more interesting then. Asleep, you just drool and occasionally mumble the lyrics to Kenny Rogers songs.
Eve: I don’t know Kenny Rogers songs.

Will: Tell your subconscious that.

Eve: Are you sure you want to stay here all day? Or, is it because you don’t have some nifty half-angel blood?

Will: While your father’s blood has vacated the premises, I am choosing to stay here. I promised him I would look out for his family and that’s what I’m going to do. Besides, I can move about the house freely, since your mom replaced the windows with sunlight-deflecting glass. 

Eve: Thanks to our new house guest. I should get going.

Will: Five more minutes?

Eve: Alright, five minutes. What shall we do? Play cards…

Will eased Eve back on the bed and softly kissed her. She could live a million years, she thought, and nothing would feel as good as Will’s lips against her skin. He had ways of touching her that made her instantly at peace, almost enough to shut off the voice in her head warning her the world could end any day now, as soon as Victoria figured out how to use the Orb of Oxala.

But, she didn’t want to think about that now. All she wanted to think about was Will and the things he did to her.

Downstairs, Cecily marveled at the eagerness of their new house guest to earn her keep. She'd done more work in one morning than their housekeeper had in three years. 

Cecily: You didn’t have to make breakfast, sweetheart.

Isobel: It’s the least I could do, you letting me stay here and buying new windows and all.

Cecily: You’re Eve’s best friend and practically a daughter to me.

Isobel: That means a lot considering my real parent tried to have me killed for being a vampire.

Cecily: Let’s not use the V word
this morning, okay? It gives me migraines. So, what are we having for breakfast? It smells delicious.

Isobel: My specialty – key lime pie.

Cecily: For breakfast?

Isobel:…It’s all I know how to make.

Eve came downstairs, absolutely glowing. She might as well have been wearing a sign that read, “The Evil Vampire I’m Falling In Love With Despite Myself Just Made Out With Me.”

Eve: Good morning.

Cecily: He’s upstairs, isn’t he?

Eve: No…kind of…a little. Yeah, okay? He’s upstairs. He’s proofing my European History paper on Napoleon, you know, they used to hang back in the day.

Cecily: And, that’s my cue to go find aspirin.

Isobel grabbed Eve and embraced her.  

Eve: What was that for?

Isobel: For letting me live with you. I don’t know how to be a vampire, much less a homeless vampire.

Eve: Is, I love you. As long as I can keep you safe, I’m going to. Besides, I kind of owed you for the whole dating-the-guy-who-killed-you thing.

Isobel: Yes, you did.

Eve: Isobel, are we having pie for breakfast?

Isobel: Yes.

Eve: Love you, but think I’m going to go for more traditional cereal.

Isobel: Well, I’m eating pie.

Eve: You can. You’re a vampire. You’re never going to get old or get fat. Me, if I look at sweets, I gain ten pounds.

Isobel: You do not.

Eve: Either way, let’s not tempt fate. Oh, before I forget, do you think you can, you know, pop us over to school or whatever you do?

Isobel: Sure. I’m getting really good at it. I’ve been practicing.

Eve: Great. Charlie’s being a bitch about the car.

Isobel: And, um, do you think you could … you know …
Eve: Oh! My blood’s out of your system already? Will said vampires process blood more quickly than humans, but I didn’t know it went that quickly.

Isobel: I know it’s a pain. I still have a little left, but I would like very much to not explode during third period.

Eve: It’s not a pain. I’ll get Will to give me some of his to heal me up before I leave.

Isobel: Thanks. Hold still. I don’t want to hurt you any more than I have to.

Eve's blood had an extra bit of pep this morning. Maybe it was Will, maybe it was the Lovely perfume she was wearing, she didn't know. But, Eve tasted awesome. 

Isobel: Okay?

Eve: Ask me when the room stops spinning?

Christine stepped into her old home. Everything looked the same, felt the same. Sure, the yard could use some work, and the paint was chipping in corners around the baseboard molding, but it was her home. At least, it had been, back when her parents were alive.

Christine: I don’t understand. Why are we here?

Olivia: I told you we were moving. I couldn’t bear to live in that horrible little shack your father rented.

Christine: But, the bank foreclosed … the last I heard they were going to sell the property to land developers.

Olivia: I made them a better offer.

Christine: You mean, it’s ours?

Olivia: It’s yours. The deed is in your name. Of course, as your legal guardian it’s technically mine until you reach the age of majority in two years.

Christine: I – I can’t believe it!

Olivia: I think it’s what your parents would have wanted. And, what I want in return is for you to start taking your witchcraft more seriously.

Christine: You know, my school has me on mandatory bereavement leave? You would think my own aunt would grant me the same mourning period.

Olivia: I would if there was time, dear, but … something is coming, something dark. I can feel it in my bones. You need to be ready for it. We all do.

Natalia Novak never regretted becoming a mother, even at such a young age. Her Noah was smart and funny and she loved him more than anything and would gladly give her life for his in a heartbeat. Some mornings, though, he severely tried her patience…

Natalia: Are you sure you don’t want some breakfast?

Noah: No. I’m on a hunger strike.

Natalia: And, why are you on a hunger strike?

Noah: In response to your cruel decision to incarcerate me. I’m protesting. If I had handcuffs, I would handcuff myself to this chair.

Natalia: Chair’s not connected to anything, I can send it with you…if 
you’re that fond of the chair…

Noah: You’re missing the point.

Natalia: No, you’re missing the point. I know you don’t like Mrs. Clemmons, but she’s the best I could do for emergency daycare. Someone has to watch you while I’m at work and you’re on suspension.

Noah: You could leave me here.

Natalia: Look, I know I’m not exactly in the position to pen a 
textbook on parenting, but even I know it’s irresponsible to leave a boy your age in an apartment alone. Besides, Mrs. Clemmons home schools her kids, so you’ll have children your own age to interact with. Plus, I think her daughter is sort of fond of you.

Noah: Blech. Girls.

Natalia: Cereal?

Noah: Hunger strike.

Natalia: Alright, suit yourself. I’ll 
just have to tell Mrs. Clemmons you didn’t eat breakfast at home. She’s one of those freaks who insists on feeding her children vegetables. I’m sure she could make you a nice bean mush or some boiled potatoes...

Noah: Never mind! I’ll eat, I’ll eat. Just make sure that crazy old woman keeps the bean mush and boiled potatoes away.

Natalia: That’s what I thought.

Isobel was nervous when she and Eve landed at school. Her nerves had thrown her teleportation off twice. The first time, they came out at the car wash on Minton Boulevard. The second time, they came out at St. Mary’s. Third time was the charm, though. Sure, they landed in the boiler room, but it still counted.

Isobel: Oh, God. They all know, don’t they?

Eve: What?

Isobel: That I’m a you-know-what. Did my human face slip?

Eve: No. You’ve got your vamp state nice and concealed. Stop being paranoid.

Isobel: But, people are staring.
Eve: If they are, it’s because you look ridiculously hot. Just relax, Is. No one knows. You’re doing really good at controlling your hunger, you’ve got enough of my blood in your system to keep you running around in the sunlight for the day…no one is going to know unless you tell them.

Isobel: You think I’m hot? Really?

Eve: That was the only word you heard of that whole speech, wasn’t it?

Isobel: There was a speech?

Eve: Come on, Dracula Barbie. Let’s get to class.

Franklin felt strange sitting through biology. He didn’t understand why, but he got the strangest feeling a vampire was among them. But, that couldn’t be right. The windows weren’t the kind Uncle Stavros warned him about, so if there were a vampire in that room, it would’ve caught on fire … wouldn’t it?

As he was leaving for lunch, he bumped into a familiar face.

Franklin: Noel?

Noel: Hey.

Franklin: What are you doing here?

Noel: I’m going here, actually.

Franklin: I’m so confused. What about Winthrop Prep?

Noel: Is there somewhere we can go talk?

They went up to the old outside lounge. No one used it for lunch anymore, favoring, instead, the new quad. Noel told him everything, about his parents finding out about them, about his summer working for Chuck Norris on a fishing boat, about his decision to leave Winthrop Prep … and Rebecca … behind.

Franklin: I’m sorry. I know how it feels to have your parents turn their backs on you.

Noel: I won’t lie and say it doesn’t hurt.

Franklin: My Uncle Stavros, though, he’s amazing. I mean, he doesn’t really grasp the mechanics of the whole gay thing, but he loves me and he’s supportive. It’s weird, but it’s the first time I’ve really felt like I have a father.

Noel: I’m glad. You’re incredible, Franklin, inside and out. More people should recognize that.

Franklin: Noel, why are you here?
Noel: Because, I realized how empty my life is without you in it. There hasn’t been a day that’s passed since you left that I didn’t think about you, didn’t miss you, didn’t lose sleep because you weren’t next to me…
Franklin: I'm not the same boy you left back at Winthrop Prep.
Noel: And, I'm not the same boy who left you back at Winthrop Prep.
Franklin: I'm with someone. His name is Preston. It's new, but it's good for me. No closets, no girlfriends, no shame…
Noel: Something tells me Preston doesn't know how to love you like I do, doesn't know the places to touch you ... to kiss you ...
Franklin: Stop.
Noel: No. I'm not going to stop until you're mine again. I know I hurt you. I spent too long trying to be someone I'm not and hiding from things that scare me. But, I love you, Franklin, and I know you love me. I'll fight for you with every last breath I have, if that's what it takes to prove to you that I'm not afraid anymore and I'm where I want to be.

Franklin: You shouldn’t be here. This city … it’s not safe.

Noel: But, it’s where you are, so it’s where I am. I’m not afraid of this city. All I’m afraid of is losing more time with you.

The bell rung and, for the longest time, the boys simply stood there, staring at each other. Franklin wanted to believe him, but part of him really liked Preston…and the rest of him couldn’t shake the feeling that there was a vampire among them.

Christine’s room was just the way it had been before she left. If she closed her eyes and listened hard enough, she could almost swear she heard Eve and Isobel laughing as they danced around the room, gossiping and telling jokes and dishing about this week’s Gossip Girl. How she missed them.

Behind her, Aidan appeared.

Aidan: Hey.

Christine: Hi.

Aidan: I came as soon as I could. Up there, it’s chaos central.

Christine: What’s going on?

Aidan: Well, Gabriel gave Victoria Lansing the Orb of Oxala.

Christine: Oh, no.
Aidan: Now, we have to hope that she doesn’t figure out how to activate it. This is a mess.

Christine: I won’t keep you, then. I just need you to help me find my mother’s spell book?

Aidan: I know where it is.

Christine: Really? That’s great. Let me guess, some angelic tracking power?

Aidan: No. I know because I’m the one who took it.
Christine: What?!

Aidan: I knew Will was going to use it to find out where Samantha hid the Orb of Oxala, so I hid the book where he couldn’t find it.

Christine: That’s why I couldn’t locate it when Bree came for the book. My father is dead because I didn’t have that book!

Aidan: I know and I’m sorry –

Christine: I don’t care about your apologies! Just give me my book and leave.

Aidan: I can’t.

Christine: Why not?

Aidan: Because the activation spell for the Orb of Oxala is also in Samantha’s book.

Christine: I’m new at this whole witch thing, Aidan, but I know once a witch is bound to her book, nothing can keep it from her. I am ordering you, as the owner of that book –

It appeared before she could get another word out.

Aidan: You’re right. You and the book are inextricably linked. All you have to do is call it and, no matter where it is, it comes back to you.

Christine: You need to leave now. I could take the lie about you being an angel, but not this one. Not you kissing me and saying how much you care for me, when the entire time you’re the reason my father is dead.

Aidan: Christine –

Christine: Go.

Will made lunch for himself and Cecily. Grilled salmon and autumn salad. It’d been delicious, for a meal prepared by the presently non-living. Afterwards, they sat together at the table, making idle conversation.

Cecily: So, how come you look human right now?

Will: Assimilation tactic. Vampires can control their appearance to a certain degree. I thought this would be less frightening than the pale skin and glowy eyes.

Cecily: Honestly, you could look like a creature from a Wrong Turn movie and I wouldn’t be any more freaked out than I already am.

Will: It’s a lot to take in, I know. And, I also know you might never fully accept what I am. I’m a parent, too. If my daughter came to me saying she was dating a vampire –

Cecily: You have a child? How? Your kind can reproduce?

Will: Not exactly. Before I was turned, I had a little girl. Her mother was Victoria.

Cecily: Oh. What happened to her?

Will: She died.

Cecily: I’m sorry.

Will: I miss her every single day, but I’m glad she had a long, full life. She had lovers and children and grandchildren…That’s all I ever wanted for her. Willow died an old woman in her bed, the way we should all go.

Cecily: What are your intentions for Eve, exactly?

Will: When I first came back to Bridgeport, I had one goal – find the Orb of Oxala, awaken the Old Ones, watch the city burn as the eternal night took over. But, my ego got in my way. I had to rub my nefarious plot in Aidan’s face.

Cecily: Aidan…Christine’s boyfriend?

Will: He’s an angel.

Cecily: Like Gabriel was an angel?

Will: Not as high-ranking, but yes. He’d been a thorn in my side for a while. I knew he was at a party here, so I came, got invited inside by your housekeeper. That’s how I met Eve. She was beautiful, snarky, mean … I was instantly intrigued by her. I was even more intrigued by how I couldn’t compel her. I hadn’t figured out Gabriel Wellington equaled Gabriel the Archangel, or that she was a nephilim.

Cecily: Then, what happened?

Will: I convinced myself my interest in Eve was just because I couldn’t compel her and I went back to what I came here for. I found Christine’s friend – Eve’s friend – Isobel and I turned her into a vampire. All I wanted was for her to get Samantha Parker’s spell book from Christine. Then, I was going to give her a spell to reverse what I’d done to her. All she had to do was refrain from feeding on a human. But, Aidan took Samantha’s spell book and hid it, and told Isobel there was no reversal spell, so she ate the mayor.

Cecily: That’s what happened to the mayor?
Will: I’ve done a lot of heinous things in my extended life. I will never regret anything like I regret damning Isobel to this life. Everything I wanted for my daughter, I’ve taken from her. Isobel will never have a child. She’ll never grow old. She’ll never know the feeling of being surrounded by her grandchildren and even great grandchildren. She’ll spend an eternity, watching the people she loves die, being hunted, reinventing herself to the point she forgets who she originally was. I could never do that to Eve, so if that’s what you’re 
worried about Cecily, the answer is no. I have no intentions of turning Eve. I would die before I let that happen.

Cecily: I believe you. Look, I’m far from okay with this situation, and if I had my druthers, Eve would be dating a boy her age, preferably a human one with law school aspirations. But, I can tell my daughter is falling in love with you, and I can tell you feel the same about her. So, I’m going to trust you, because she does and I trust her.

Will: Thank you.

Cecily: I, um, I think I’m going to go out.

Will: Are you sure?

Cecily: I’m no safer from Victoria here than I am outside. Besides, all this talk about daughters has made me realize I need to go see mine.

Natalia found Gabriel napping in his office. He looked like hell, hadn’t shaved, was wearing a tee-shirt and jeans of all things. Poor guy. Bachelorhood did not suit him.

Natalia: Rise and shine, Gabriel.

Gabriel: Natalia? What time is it?

Natalia: A quarter past you really need a shower.

Gabriel: You’re in a good mood. Have anything to do with that congressman’s broken knee?

Natalia: Skiing accident.

Gabriel: In September?

Natalia: It’s winter all year with Fake Flakes, or something. How does that jingle go again?

Gabriel: You look beautiful today, Natalia.

Natalia: Thank you, but, you should be careful. Human Resources has scheduled our quarterly sexual harassment seminar. And, for the record, no, I will not have sex with you in exchange for insurance benefits.
Gabriel: A very rare good mood.

Natalia: I figure one of us needs to be and since I’m not the one who’s been kicked out of their home by threat of firearms…

Gabriel: She knows about you, you know?

Natalia: I know. She hasn’t contacted me, though.
Gabriel: She will soon. If I know my wife, she’s in that stage where she doesn’t want to intrude on your life. Her need to know you will overpower it eventually.

Natalia: I’m not so sure she wants to know me.

Gabriel: You’re her daughter. She’ll be much more forgiving of your Wellington duties than she was of mine. She’ll convince herself I took advantage of you, forced you into a life of questionable morality.

Natalia: Please. I was raised by Russians. I was of questionable morality long before I ever met you.

Gabriel: How can you forgive me for keeping you from your mother?

Natalia: I’ve had about ten years to cope with the truth. She’s only had a day or so. Give it time. You’re a good man, Gabriel, and what we do here is good work. I believe that in my heart, that our ends will justify our means. We will find a way of counteracting the vampire attacks on this city.

Gabriel: You have a lot of faith, Miss Novak.

Natalia: You’ve never given me a reason not to, Mr. Wellington.

After school, Eve was in the computer lab, finishing her article on the emergency mayoral election. It was due last week, but with all the kidnapping, she’d lost track of homework time.

Franklin: You’re here late.

Eve: Almost done. What are you working on?

Franklin: Homecoming stuff. I had to interview everyone on the committee.

Eve: My friend, Isobel, is on that committee.

Franklin: Yeah, she’s a sweetheart.

Eve: Oh, no!
Franklin: What?

Eve: I’m froze! Ugh. This is the last thing I need. Can I not just have one day when everything goes like it’s meant to?

Franklin: Bad weekend?

Eve: You have NO idea. If I never see another vampire in my life -- I mean, um, printing!

Franklin: Vampire?

Eve stood to go retrieve her hard copy from the printer, but Franklin wasn't letting her off that easy.

Eve: Forget I said anything. You probably think I’m insane.

Franklin: You know about the vampires?

Eve: Twilight screwed with my head. Those studies that indicate it causes the death of brain cells are surprisingly accurate.

Franklin: What do you know about them?

Eve: They sparkle?

Franklin: Eve…

Eve: Wait, how do you know about them?

Franklin: Because, I’m a vampire slayer.

Eve: So, you’re like a gay Buffy?

Franklin: Have you ever met someone named Bianca Bishop?

Eve: No. Is she a vampire?

Franklin: Depends on who you ask.

Eve: But, seriously, you slay vampires?

Franklin: It’s my heritage. I come from a long line of slayers, dating back to the Cristea gypsies of Romania.

Eve: Really? I think I have something that might belong to you. Come with me to my locker.

Natalia was watching television when the doorbell rang. She answered, not at all surprised to find Cecily…her mother…on the other side.

Natalia: Hello, Cecily.

Cecily: Do you know why I’m here?

Natalia: Yes. Come inside. We’ll have coffee and talk about this.

Natalia made them her favorite French roast and they sat down at the dining table. It felt surreal, for both of them, awkward and uneasy.

Natalia: I was raised all over the world. Most of my time was spent in England, though I’ve lived in Russia, America, Canada, Japan, France, Spain and Italy. My father’s diplomatic work took him many places.

Cecily: How did you find Gabriel?

Natalia: That's a long story. Let's just say diplomats make enemies and enemies are fond of using children and grandchildren as leverage. 
Cecily: He never told me anything.

Natalia: He didn’t tell me, at first, either. He offered me a position within the inner workings of Wellington and I decided I wanted to be a part of it. 

Cecily: Why?

Natalia: Because, I’m a mother and I want my son to live in a safe world. Even if we never find a cure or a way of preventing vampires from turning humans, we’re 
exterminating them, controlling the numbers.

Cecily: He took you away from me.

Natalia: The only other option was killing me. I know this is a lot to process, Cecily, I do. He’s lied, he’s done awful things. But, your husband loves you. And, I owe my life, and Noah’s life, to him. I can tell this is bothering you, talking about Gabriel, though, so I’m going to change the subject.

Cecily: Thank you.
Natalia: Can I ask you something?

Cecily: Anything.

Natalia: Will you tell me about my father? My biological father?

Cecily: My first husband. His name was Trevor. I was so young, barely twenty, and I loved him more than anything. But, after we lost you, our grief got in the way of how much we loved each other and we went our separate ways. You look like him, so much. You have his hair and 
his eyes. I don’t know how I missed it before.

Natalia: Have you spoken to him recently?

Cecily: Gosh, it has to be ten years since I last spoke to him. But, I think I should look him up, he needs to know our daughter is alive. He’ll want to know you, to meet you. Is that what you want? I haven’t even stopped to ask you that.

Natalia: I don’t know what I want. I thought I would never know you as my mother, and I made peace with that. But, I would like to get to know you, in whatever capacity, even if it’s just as friends. And, I want Noah to know you. He’s a remarkable boy.

Cecily: He comes from good stock.

Natalia: Maternally, at least. Oh, gees, it's dark out already. I have to go get him from daycare. Would you like to have lunch tomorrow, maybe?

Cecily: I would love that, Natalia.

Natalia led her mother to the door. She felt her heart swell with love – and abject fear – as Cecily hugged her. Maybe she was wrong, maybe it was better if Cecily never knew her. What if she disappointed her the same way she did her other parents?

Noel was taking a shortcut home through the graveyard when he encountered an unusual boy in a hideous shirt.

Noel: Um, hi?

Preston: I know who you are.

Noel: I know who I am, too. At least we’re on the same page. Now, who are you?

Preston: You need to leave.

Noel: Okay. Bye.

Preston: Not the graveyard. Bridgeport. He belongs with me.

Noel: Who?

Preston: FRANKLIN!

Noel: You’re the new-but-good-for-him thing? Is the gay singles pool really that shallow here?

Preston: I’m going to give you one chance to pack your lumberjack-wannabe self up and go.

Noel: And, if I don’t?

Preston grabbed him quickly and pushed his fangs into Noel’s neck. Noel’s blood flowed freely from the penetrated artery.

Franklin entered the cemetery, carrying the nifty knife Eve had given him. She said it was the only blade known to kill a vampire simply by stabbing them. He loved it. He’d stabbed half a dozen vamps since sunset and watched them go boom. Carrying a sword around was hella-conspicuous.

In the distance, he heard a scream. His ears might not have recognized it, but his soul did. Noel.

He flew around the corner and stopped. There was Noel, being fed on by …

Franklin: Preston?

Preston: Franklin!

Franklin: You’re … no. You can’t be.

Preston: I can explain.

Franklin: You’re a vampire! And, Noel…is he…?

Preston: No. He’s still alive.

Franklin: Why did you hurt him?
Preston: Because, he hurt you! And, because I didn’t want him to take you away from me.

Franklin: You didn’t have to worry about that. I told him today I was involved with someone else. But, I guess it’s over now.

Preston: Because, I bit him? I can compel him to forget.

Franklin: Because you’re a VAMPIRE! And, I’m a vampire slayer.

Preston: What!?

Franklin: Franklin Winters, nephew of Stavros Cristea, slayer of vampires.

Preston: I guess you’re going to kill me, then?

Franklin: I should. But, no, I can’t. Just go, okay? And, don’t let me see your face again.

Preston watched as Franklin hauled his unconscious ex off to get his neck stitched up. Then, he went to the nearby bar to drown his sorrows. Last time he was here, he got drugged and abducted. He’d risk it. He ordered a plasma shooter and told the barkeep to keep 'em coming.

A pretty lady came over to him when he had his drink. She reeked of humanity.

Preston: You’re not my speed, sister.

Bree: You’re not mine, either. I have a job for you.

Preston: Yeah?

Bree: Word around the street is you keep those ears of yours glued to the ground. What do you know about the Orb of Oxala?

Preston: Enough.

Bree: My employer, Victoria Lansing, will be requiring your services. She hasn’t figured out how to activate the orb and she believes you could be of some assistance.

Preston: No way. I know what that thing will do.

Bree: Maybe I’m not making myself clear. You help, you live. You refuse, barkeep over there is going to be sweeping you up off her floor. Now, be a good little vampire, finish your drink and let’s go.

Will met Eve in her room when she was ready for bed.

Will: So, have you reconsidered your stance on human-vampire mating rituals?

Eve: I want to Will, you have no idea how much I want to. But, I don't have the greatest track record. I get to that place where I've given my heart to someone and I'm ready to give them my body, but they leave. I don't think I can take it if you leave, so I want to wait, just a while longer. I hope that’s okay.
Will: It’s more than okay. I’ve got forever, Eve. You take as long as you need. I’m not going anywhere. I’m going to be right there, in that bed, next to you.

Eve: You’re going to be right there, on that couch, alone.

Will: I am?

Eve: Mm-hmm. It was the best negotiation I could work out with Mom. Otherwise, you’re sleeping with Charlie.

Will: You’re much cuter than Charlie.

Eve: I know, I got the looks and the brains. Poor kid.

Will: How about if we snuggle and, if Cecily busts us, I’ll compel her to forget about it? Oh, or, I could compel her to let us snuggle…

Eve: Goodnight, Will.

Will: Goodnight, Eve.

Christine sat in her room, surrounded by a circle of candles. She worked on her projecting, as her Aunt Olivia had encouraged her. Her mind was clouded from her fight with Aidan. She cared about him so much, but she hated him just as much.

She cleared her mind and focused. She could feel something inside her, something she’d never quite felt before – she was being pulled forcefully. This wasn’t like her previous projections. This was violent, this was evil, this was …

Her eyes filled with blood as her soul vacated her body. Suddenly, she was somewhere else. Bridgeport was on fire.

Christine: Eve?

Eve: You just couldn’t leave well enough alone, could you?

Christine: What are you talking about? Eve, if you’re doing this, you have to stop!

Eve: Why couldn’t I just let you die? All you do is hurt me. But, there’s some part of me that loves you in spite of everything, and I try my damndest, but I can’t shut it off. Now, look where it’s gotten me. 
I’ve lost everyone. Mom, Charlie, Dad, Isobel…

Christine: Whatever happened, Eve, we’ll fix it.

Eve: You can’t fix it! They’re DEAD! They’re all gone, but I guess that doesn’t matter to you. You have your precious Aidan and I have no one…I didn’t even get to have homecoming.

Christine: Homecoming? That’s two weeks from …

She realized, then, that homecoming was tonight. It explained Eve’s dress. Could it be? Had she projected into the future?

Christine: You have to listen to me. I don’t know what happened that has made you like this. But, you have to stop. If you keep starting these fires, a lot of innocent people are going to get hurt.

Eve: I can’t stop. It hurts too much. I can’t control it.

Christine: You don’t understand. People are going to die –

Eve: No, you don’t understand. I can’t control it, and I don’t care. Every single person I care about is gone. Might as well let you and your family and your precious Aidan go with them.

And, with that, Eve turned away from Christine. She let out a primal scream that echoed off the buildings like a jungle cat’s final pained wail as it succumbed to a poacher’s arrows … and Christine felt the world shaking around her. Explosion after explosion rattled Bridgeport, brought the buildings tumbling down like sand castles and the last thing she felt as her spirit projection was sucked back into her body was the flames boiling her skin off its bones.